Sneaky causes of acne – The Standard

Acne is one of the most common and stubborn skin problems. While many people only experience acne breakouts in teenage hood, others continue to have unsightly zits well into adulthood. A pimply face can make one self-conscious, not to mention that regular dermatologist appointments and experimenting with different products can cost a pretty penny. When… Read More »

Net Effect of Expanding Medicaid

By SAURABH JHA MD  What is the effect of expanding Medicaid on overall healthcare costs and use of the emergency room? This type of question can’t easily be answered by observational studies and requires a randomized controlled trial (RCT). But an RCT isn’t easy to perform. However, a natural RCT serendipitously happened in Oregon a… Read More »

Concern for security of data in the cloud worries IT execs

Even as healthcare organizations contemplate moving more computing functions to the cloud, IT execs question the security of their data. A survey from the Cloud Security Alliance, which works to ensure a secure cloud computing environment, found 69 percent of respondent organizations are migrating data for enterprise resource planning applications to the cloud, with nearly… Read More »