Tag Archives: medical

When it comes to surprise medical bills, journalists largely focus on casualties and not the war

Throughout the summer, I saw tweet after tweet calling for an end to surprise medical bills, an issue that’s rising in public importance: Do you know how patients like you get hit with #surprisebills? It’s the surprise insurance gap — when your plan doesn’t cover care you need. In an #emergency, you need your insurance to… Read More »

Medical News Today: Using Facebook to predict depression

New research uses over half a million Facebook status updates to predict depression diagnoses in people at risk. Your Facebook posts may predict whether you will develop depression. Depression is one of the most widespread mental health problems in the United States, with over 16 million adults having experienced at least one major depressive episode… Read More »

Every Older Patient Has a Story. Medical Students Need to Hear It.

Whatever the cluster of second-year students at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York expected to hear from an 82-year-old woman — this probably wasn’t it. At first, Elizabeth Shepherd, one of several seniors invited to meet with future doctors in an anti-ageism program called “Introduction to the Geriatric Patient,” largely followed the script. As student… Read More »

Medical News Today: What to know about constipation after surgery

Surgical procedures are stressful on the body. As a result, they can cause unexpected side effects, including constipation. Constipation does not affect everyone who has surgery, but it is a relatively common side effect of pain medications, anesthesia, and a lack of mobility. Depending on which body part or parts the surgery involved, straining to… Read More »