Anxiety Relief Essential Oil Blend 10ml – 100% Natural Pure Undiluted Therapeutic Grade for Aromatherapy, Scents & Diffuser – Depression, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Boost Mood, Uplifting, Calming

By | May 25, 2018
Anxiety Relief Essential Oil Blend 10ml - 100% Natural Pure Undiluted Therapeutic Grade for Aromatherapy, Scents & Diffuser - Depression, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Boost Mood, Uplifting, Calming

• Anxiety Relief blend is for external use only and not to be ingested. It is a natural aromatherapy treatment without medication. • Anxiety Relief blend is an excellent natural solution to reduce anxiety, and to uplift and relax. When inhaled, it invigorates and provides uplifting and stabilizing effects on emotion. 1) Gently rub few drops on back of your palms or paper tissue and inhale often. 2) Apply few drops behind ears, on wrists, temples, the back of the neck, on the bottom of the feet or necklace diffuser to reduce anxiety. 3) Unwind & Ground Aromatically – Diffuse a few drops of anxiety Relief to unwind and uplift after a stressful day. 4) Calming Cologne – Rub few drops into your wrists or use it in diffuser necklace pendent to induce more confident feelings throughout the day. It will smell great! 5) Car Freshener – Put few drops on cotton balls and place them in the slats of your car vents.Turn on the fan to diffuse the freshener throughout the car so everyone riding or driving can benefit. 6) Anxiety Relief Spritz – Mix up some anxiety Relief with distilled water. Put it in a glass spray bottle and spritz it on when you feel anxious or stressed out. 7) Homemade Anxiety Reducing Deodorant – Use Anxiety Relief when making your own deodorant. It’s all natural and smells amazing. you’ll have the calming effects of Anxiety Relief with you all day long. 8) Bath Salts – Create your own bath salts with Anxiety Relief. You’ll have a spa-like soak, and your mood will be lifted. 9) Mood Lifting Room Spray – Create an aromatic room spray that smells delicious and causes happiness! Just mix epsom salts, distilled water and Anxiety Relief and spray around your home for a mood enhancing, anxiety/stress-relieving, feel-good air freshener. 10) Anxiety Relief pet – Dilute in a carrier oil and apply one drop onto the front paws. Or place several drops onto a scrap of cotton fabric and keep it in their pet carrier or kennel.

  • ANXIETY RELIEF : Anxiety Relief blend is an excellent natural solution to reduce anxiety, and to uplift and relax. When inhaled, it invigorates and provides uplifting and stabilizing effects on emotions and calm both mind and body naturally. Anxiety Relief blend is for external use only and not to be ingested. It is a natural aromatherapy treatment without medication.
  • Anxiety Relief inspires rational and logical thinking when dealing with adverse circumstances. It may help bring someone back to earth, and help them feel more connected and grounded. Apply behind ears, on wrists, temples, the back of the neck & on the bottom of the feet.
  • Ingredients : Silver fir, ylang ylang, norway spruce, juniper needle, cedarwood. All our oils are 100% Pure, Natural, Undiluted, Non-additives, Non-fillers, Non-synthetics, GMO-free, Best for Aromatherapy & Scents.
  • Purity Tested / Quality Guaranteed : Each oil is GC/MS tested to ensure 100% quality. Analysis reports are posted on our website or provided upon request. All our Essentials oils are 100% pure, unadulterated, Therapeutic Grade and without any synthetic chemicals. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed, Try our oil risk free, we will refund you full and also provide prepaid return shipping label if unhappy for any reasons.
  • Size 10ml (0.33oz) : Packaged in high quality dark amber glass bottle with euro style dropper and tamper proof seal cap. Euro style dropper will allow controlled oil dispensing for easy oil dropping. To get flow slower from orifice reducers, Tip the bottle slowly and rotate the bottle so the ‘air hole’ is on the bottom or side – this may help create a ‘vacuum’ that will allow the essential oil to flow slower.
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