Author Archives: wpadmin

Vaping and hearing loss: Is there a link?

Studies have shown smoking cigarettes can damage your hearing, but what about vaping? Many vaping products contain chemicalsknown to be harmful to human health. There’s no conclusive research yet, but it appears that vaping indeed carries similar risks to smoking. And depending on the chemicals found in the vape juice flavoring, it may even be more… Read More »

Mulvaney: Trump Brought Down Drug Prices For The First Time In 50 Years

“Drug prices in this country actually came down last year for the first time in 50 years. That’s because Donald Trump’s president.” Mick Mulvaney, April 7, 2019, on “Fox News Sunday” President Donald Trump announced last month that the GOP will become “the party of health care,” and news reports suggest he intends to make… Read More »

HHS to audit plans for compliance with HIPAA transactions

The federal agency responsible for regulations governing standardization of electronic transactions and data accessibility for consumers is ramping up adherence efforts. The Department of Health and Human Services is launched a pilot auditing program, starting with health plans and claims clearinghouses, to ensure industry stakeholders are complying with HIPAA-related rules governing electronic healthcare transactions. In… Read More »