Author Archives: wpadmin

New Research from the CWMH: Prenatal Supplement Containing Folate May Reduce Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy

While there is research to support the reproductive safety of many antidepressants, many woman and their providers ask about alternatives to traditional antidepressants in women who are pregnant or planning to conceive.  In a recent study, Dr. Marlene Freeman and colleagues at the Center for Women’s Mental Health explored the use of a folate-based preparation… Read More »

Control Your Cholesterol: Protect Yourself from Heart Attack and Stroke

February 2019 Print this issue Protect Yourself from Heart Attack and Stroke Have you had your cholesterol checked? Most adults should have a cholesterol test every 4 to 6 years. That’s because nearly 78 million American adults have high levels of the type of cholesterol that’s linked to heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a… Read More »

Arizona Patients Should Welcome Medicaid Work Requirements

(Bloomberg) Arizona just received the Trump Administration’s go-ahead to impose work requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries. Under the policy, able-bodied enrollees between the ages of 19 and 49 will have to spend 80 hours a month working, attending school, or giving back to their community in some way. Arizona will be the eighth state to institute… Read More »