Author Archives: wpadmin

A Look Inside Sporteluxe’s Exclusive ‘Table for 12’ Dinner Series For 2018

If you visit Sporteluxe regularly (and we hope that you do!) you would’ve seen that in the last few months or so, we’ve rolled out an exclusive event series called Table for 12. Table for 12 is exactly what its name suggests; an intimate gathering aimed at bringing together inspiring, hard-working women who are killing… Read More »

Ask Allison: My partner is convinced I have a deep-seated trauma because I cry when I hear anything nostalgic. What do you think?

“On the whole I am a solid, resilient person.” Stock photo. Ask Allison: My partner is convinced I have a deep-seated trauma because I cry when I hear anything nostalgic. What do you think? Question: I am not sure how to frame my question as it is a bit unusual. I have always had… Read More »