Back Bone Natural Treatment and Vitamin for Back Bone Pain Relief

By | November 6, 2017

There are a few remedies for back pain relief that you can use in the home, without consulting a doctor. One common way is to try household painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, codeine or paracetamol. If you take it regularly, it will not only relieve your backache but will also reduce any inflammation. The latter effect is most important in those conditions that involve some inflammation like facet joint irritation.

Natural Back Pain Relief Methods


Stocking up on water is always a good thing, since water is very effective at flushing out your body’s toxins and provides natural lubrication for your joints. Drinking 8-10 glasses a day is more than enough to keep your body balanced and hydrated.

Eat food with anti-inflammatory properties

Back pain is often caused by inflammation. Intake food with anti-inflammatory property can help out lessen the irritation and the resulting pain. Food with anti-inflammatory properties includes apples, papayas, bananas, green leafy vegetables with beans.

Heat the area

Heat helps the body to battle with the inflammation and relaxes the affected area. There are many ways to do it but the most common one is to put a hot compress there before you are going to sleep. You can also use the Radian B lotion which works great for pinched muscles or an infrared heating pad which will cost you around 150 dollars but it’s really great for back pain and sciatica!

Avoid Foods That Can Cause Inflammation.

People who suffer from back pain also need to avoid certain foods which contain inflammatory properties, which mean that they can increase pain. Prime examples are alcohol, tea, dairy products, pastries, and chocolate.

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Minerals that provide calcium build better bones

When taking your daily vitamins minerals and supplements don’t forget how important calcium is for the production of new bone and connective tissues. Back pain can be helped greatly when calcium and magnesium are added to the daily diet. Muscle, bone, and all connective tissue benefits from having plenty of magnesium along with a constant supply of calcium provided from childhood on.


If you do not like walking, you should start liking it now. Walking is a pretty good exercise for a bad back. It is not only a good way to get your circulation going; walking, unlike other forms of exercise, is easy on your joints and is a good way to strengthen your bones.

Vitamin for Backbone Pain

Vitamin A

Foods rich in Vitamin A will provide you with nutrients that allow natural healing and repair of tissues. Osteoporosis as a cause of back pain is due to the degeneration of spinal bones. Mainly because the bones lack calcium that can provide bone mass. Unless you address an existing deficiency, it would be hard to render as effective whatever cure for lower back pain you take or make. Examples of food rich in Vitamin A: dairy products, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, beef and chicken liver.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K rich foods are abundant sources of calcium nutrients which we all know as the most important substance needed by our bones to stay healthy and strong. In addition, it can provide your bones with iron, which are minerals that help in the absorption of oxygen and the elimination of waste elements like carbon dioxide. You can get your Vitamin K or potassium supplements in beans, soy, grains and lentils in addition to the other vitamin rich foods.

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Magnesium is important in promoting proper muscle contractions and to keep your muscles toned. It helps in the absorption of nutrients that can add density to our bones. Vegetables that are green and leafy, whole grain breads, beans, nuts, seeds, shrimps, bananas and a lot more can provide us with sufficient amounts of magnesium.


For more useful information visit Muscular Sprains and Joint Pains and Musculoskeletal Disorders at Neuromuscular pain