Category Archives: News

Causes Of Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks can be caused a multitude of things including stressors, financial problems, relationship problems, bereavement, medical conditions and medication. However, as with any medical condition, there is usually more than one cause, some of which can be interrelated. When a doctor is trying to determine the causes of a patient’s anxiety attacks, he will… Read More »

An Intimate Look At Lasix Side Effects

There are lots of Lasix side effects that might happen with having this drug outside its unprejudiced context. In addition, the signs have additionally been connected to hypochloremic metabolic process alkalosis with increased serum material. Hyperuricemia can easily be a latent side effect, also though it can be typical for customers having gout history. Furosemide… Read More »

Controversy About Over the Counter Supplements and Prescription Weight Loss Drugs

Scientists are closer than ever to making that dream come true. New research into obesity has unraveled many mysteries about why we eat and how we store and burn off calories. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are spending extraordinary sums to develop new generations of anti-obesity drugs, and many are now in test phases. In… Read More »