Author Archives: Health

What is depression and anxiety

If you have severe depression, you may be referred to a specialist mental health team for intensive specialist talking treatments and prescribed medicine. CDT Does caffeine make depression worse? Try daytime exercise Hidradenitis suppurativa wound care Celiac disease Celiac disease: Can gluten be absorbed through the skin? Reducing the discomfort of hidradenitis suppurativa: Self-care tips… Read More »

Why should muscle relaxants fail

NCBI Bookshelf. The skeletal muscle relaxants Table are a heterogeneous group of medications acting both centrally and peripherally to relieve muscle spasms. These medications have been in wide use for decades and rarely cause liver disease. View in own window. Muscle relaxants are used to treat two different conditions: 1 spasticity from upper motor neuron… Read More »

How long can viral induced asthma last

Cakebread et al. Yamaya, T. But day-to-day asthma is fairly well controlled by inhalers that open up the airways, says research leader Sebastian Johnston of Imperial College London, with the Medical Research Council’s asthma mechanisms centre. Lung sections preserved from each animal where stained with hematoxylin and eosin for determination of cellular infiltrate around large… Read More »