Author Archives: Health

What’s the Best Medicine? – Gizmodo

Illustration: Benjamin Currie (Gizmodo) Thousands of medicines have made it to market in the last century or so. Some of these medicines have single-handedly eradicated illnesses that have plagued humanity from the dawn of time; some have made chronic conditions at least somewhat more tolerable; others have plunged people into sleepless hallucinatory hell-worlds from which… Read More »

What should people avoid inhaling during mysterious lung disease outbreak? Health officials disagree

Health officials are warning consumers about a mysterious lung disease that has sickened hundreds and killed at least three people. What to avoid? That’s where they disagree. Federal health officials are reviewing 450 possible cases linked to vaping across 33 states and one territory. At least three people have died from the illness. It’s too… Read More »

Medical News Today: Vegetarian heart health: Study identifies benefits and risks

The authors of a large, long term study conclude that pescatarianism and vegetarianism have an association with a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, but they note that vegetarians have a slightly higher risk of stroke. A new, large scale study places the health effects of vegetarianism under the microscope once again. Over recent years,… Read More »