Author Archives: Health

From Italy to Australia, 70 years ago

One of Irena Romeo’s earliest memories is arriving at Newcastle Harbour’s Lee Wharf as a three-year-old. “I remember the thousands of bags. They were all brown, all the same. As a little girl it felt like an eternity, looking for the luggage – walking up and down. “You know, my mother’s luggage didn’t arrive. All… Read More »

CMS chief unable to provide details on Trump healthcare plan

Dive Brief: CMS Administrator Seema Verma is unable to provide any details on President Donald Trump’s nebulous and long-promised healthcare plan, ostensibly for release in September. However, Verma did confirm the healthcare agency is “actively engaged in conversations” around the plan Thursday, noting CMS doesn’t have the ability to make more sweeping changes to bring down… Read More »


Osteopathic massage is a form of holistic massage. It encompasses the principles of both osteopathy and remedial massage. Osteo massage is a “whole body” massage involving a variety of stretching exercises and osteopathic practices. The objective is to achieve healthy joint positioning that will promote overall wellbeing. More… The osteo massage usually occurs in an… Read More »