Category Archives: News

7 Best Foods that Boost Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone produced in the testes and in the adrenal glands. A comfortable testosterone level is associated with sexual performance, reproductive function, muscle mass maintenance, hair growth, aggression, and competitive behavior; testosterone also stimulates the production of blood cells including red blood cells, and opposes the loss of bone calcium (osteoporosis). The… Read More »

Natural Glucose Support Options

Learn 5 ways to help maintain healthy glucose levels. November was American Diabetes Month, and with the holidays looming, this is the perfect opportunity to shed light on a major health crisis in our nation. About 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes each year, and it remains the seventh leading cause of death in… Read More »

Growth of Health Care Spending Slowed Last Year – The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The growth of national health spending, which surged as millions of Americans gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act, slowed last year, the Trump administration said on Thursday. Health spending in the United States totaled $ 3.5 trillion last year, up 3.9 percent from 2016, or about $ 10,740 a person. It accounted… Read More »