Author Archives: Health

Anticholinergic drugs increase your risk for dementia

While dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (the most advanced, severe and lethal form of dementia) are primarily diet- and lifestyle-driven, certain medications can also ramp up your risk. One of the riskiest classes of drugs in this regard are anticholinergic drugs, prescribed for such widely varying conditions such as depression, incontinence, insomnia, allergies and epilepsy.1 You… Read More »

CDC says eight in ten US adults support limiting nicotine in cigarettes as FDA preps new rules

Getty Images An overwhelming majority of U.S. adults favor proposals requiring tobacco companies to cut nicotine in cigarettes to make them less addictive, according to a new report by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. The study comes as the Food and Drug Administration writes new rules that would set maximum nicotine limits for cigarettes to… Read More »

Trump Proposes Ways to Improve Care for Kidney Disease and Increase Transplants

President Trump issued a sweeping set of proposals aimed at improving medical care for the tens of millions of Americans who have kidney disease, a long-overlooked condition that kills more people than breast cancer. “This is a first, second and third step. It’s more than just a first step,” Mr. Trump said in a speech… Read More »

Should You Eat the New Fake Meats?

Over time, meat substitutes have gotten increasingly more like real meat. The question is, are these newer, so-called virtuous alternatives to meat healthier than the real meat they mimic? Friends of mine used to run a vegetarian restaurant. Their customers would come in and interrogate them about menu items: what kind of oils were used in… Read More »