Author Archives: wpadmin

What being healthy means to me

The more I talk to people about health and what they do to stay healthy, the more I realise how everybody is different. How everybody has a different belief of what being healthy means. When some people talk about being healthy, they mostly talk about the food they eat. The foods they think are healthy.… Read More »

This former Apple engineer has analyzed the microbes in his body 600 times — here's what he learned

Most of us would find it off-putting to imagine that there are many trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi living in our body, invisible to the naked eye. But Richard Sprague, a Seattle-based software engineer, has dedicated years of his life — and tested himself hundreds of times — to unravel their mysteries.

Medical News Today: UV light could reduce hospital-acquired infections

A new study shows that ultraviolet disinfection technology eliminates up to 97.7 percent of pathogens in the operating room. Using this light wavelength might help defeat superbugs. Could light help lower the risk of dangerous infections in hospitals? The study, published in the American Journal of Infection Control, examined the effects of a type of… Read More »