Author Archives: Health

Viewers get scenery, not science, as CNN explores global ‘secrets’ to living longer

In CNN’s reality-based series, “Chasing Life,” correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta travels to far-flung reaches of the planet to explore health care practices rooted in cultural traditions. The show — which is available on the streaming platform CNNgo — was produced by the same division that created Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, and it was clearly designed… Read More »

Sheraton Atlanta linked to 11 new cases of Legionnaires’ Disease

men in protective suit,outbreak concept,illustration painting So far, 11 people in Atlanta, Georgia have contracted Legionnaires’ disease and it appears that all of them stayed at the Sheraton Atlanta. The hotel is now closed down until at least mid-August, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Georgia Department of Public Health investigators are testing water in the… Read More »