Anti Anxiety Medications

By | August 17, 2017

Are you suffering from anxiety for long time? Is it making your daily activities difficult or impossible? Then you need anti anxiety medication.

If your anxiety level is mild to moderate, counseling and non-medication treatments can help you. But if your problem is sever or your diagnoses require medicine, anti anxiety medication is essential.

Many people benefit from the use of anti anxiety medication. Surely it backs you up and provides instant relief. But, it’s not a permanent cure. Ultimately you have to discover the underlying cause and unfulfilled needs. Only then, you can heal your anxiety completely for ever.

However, here are some most useful anti anxiety medications…


These are the effective medicines for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. They will take time for about two to four weeks to show their effect. But the best advantage with them is no severe side effects.


Take these drugs if only you have panic attack disorder besides GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Benzodiazepines provide instant relief. But they also have side effects and make you dependent. Therefore, avoid them using for long-term.

Beta Blockers

These will control adrenaline flow in your blood. And then they calm down palpitations, shaking and sweating etc. But the problem is they also reduce blood pressure and slow the heartbeat. So you’d better talk to your doctor about the entire picture frequently.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs are excellent for depression, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and panic attacks. Now many people are using them with good results. But then, you will have to suffer some common side-effects such as nervousness, sexual difficulties and nausea.

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MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

These anti anxiety medicines treat both depression and anxiety. If other medicines don’t work, these MAOIs will help you. But they interfere with what you eat and other medicines too.

Along with anti anxiety medication, take Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety. Then you will be perfectly all right.

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