Tag Archives: Allergies

Egg Allergies

by fromdeland Eggs are one of the high risk foods when it comes to allergies especially in children. Many children will grow out of their egg allergies and egg allergy symptoms but until then a great deal of caution is needed. Egg allergies are usually caused by the proteins in eggs so it can be… Read More »

Allergies Type 2

by schatz Allergies Type 2 is also called antibody-dependent allergy. It is when antibodies combine with healthy cells in the your body and then your immune system attacks the health cells. Type 2 usually start in early childhood and are caused by repeated exposure to high concentration of pollen, dust or mold in the environment.… Read More »

Allergies Type 3

by mia3mom Allergies Type 3 is also called immune complex allergy. It is when allergens invade the immune system and can cause injury to cells throughout the body. Antibodies form in the blood and are typically deposited in the tissues of the skin, kidney and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an allergies type 3… Read More »

Allergies Type 1

by snarkhunt Allergies Type 1 is also called contact allergy. It is is when food, mold, animal dander, pollen, or dust can cause an immediate allergy attack. Whey your body responds to the invasion, your body releases histamine from the irritated area such as the skin, nasal and bronchial areas. A person with Allergies… Read More »