Category Archives: News

High prevalence and incidence of hypertension among South Africans starting ART

There is a high prevalence and incidence of hypertension (raised blood pressure) among HIV-positive people starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) in South Africa, according to research published in PLOS One. A fifth of people were hypertensive when they started ART and a further 15% developed hypertension during follow-up. Traditional risk factors, including age over 40 years… Read More »

Ren Ci Nursing Homes in Singapore to implement 3D wound management app in 2019

Created in response to the challenge of wound management in the community care sector in Singapore, the CARES4WOUNDS wound management application was developed and pilot-tested with 25 patients at Ren Ci Hospital and Tetsuyu Healthcare since November 2017, with good initial results. The hospital is the first in the Intermediate and Long Care (ILTC) services… Read More »

AFM: The scary polio-like illness

It is a scary illness, not just for parents but for doctors, too: Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) causes sudden weakness and loss of muscle tone in the arms and legs and can go on to cause even more serious problems. It’s not just the symptoms that are scary. It’s also scary because we don’t know… Read More »